Monday 1 July 2013


Meaningful Logo

What are logo? Logo are identity for company. Every single thing in the world require an identity. It is to help people recognized and does not confuse them with something else.

However, how do you defined what is a good logo. To me, A good logo is a logo that lives. It means that a logo that can represent their company and delivered a massage to the public.

There are thousands of logo around the world. To fully understand or known a company mission and vision are hard. So most company decide to build a logo that represent what they are so that it strike a heavy impression. 

Here are some example:

Matrimony - A bureau that help people to find their love one
( The negative space between the M show a girl and a boy falling in love to each other.)

Fly - A traveling agency
( The F on the left was rotated so it looks like a plane flying up.)

Martini House - A wine barn
( The 2 glass of Martini create a negative space that look like a small house.)

Invisible agents - An agency that provide various services
( The middle represent the agent blending into 4 thick line. The obvious is that a good agent are capable of blending in the crowd and all agent wear tie.)

All this logo actually help me understand more on how improve my skill and further help me get a better achievement in my career. 

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