Saturday 22 June 2013

Game part 2


Other than just reflex u can gain from game. There are time you get to increased your inspiration or creativity when you are playing game.

Inspiration and creativity, something a Designer require a lot in their field of expertise. You can get quite a lot of creativity in a game since they are Sci-Fi and are for entertain purposes, By combining a few different game theme can create something new. 

There are times where I get inspiration from a game. The most recent one is during my computer graphic assignment where I have to do a poster using Photoshop. 

Also i have try to apply some games theme into some of my drawing and other assignment such as the physiology in my foundation time.

Games are mostly create through fantasy and imagination and thus you can always manage to find a lot of different inspiration. However, there are times where game become downpour as some game lack of the creativity and some might juts ruin the mood of it.

As for my personal time, I love to get inspiration from the game to create my own imagination which i sometime love to do to create my own world. Gaming also help to clam me down through stress. I sometimes manage to find solution through game when ever I encounter problem. I guess I work well when I am not under stress.

Monday 17 June 2013

Game Part 1


The most common question about gaming. Is gaming good or bad toward children, teenager and the society. Should i allowed my children to play them.

There are various of answer you can get with this question, for adult or parents in Asian country. Gaming is always bad for their children; On the other hand, Western country tend to be more open minded and thus have a balance view into gaming. Not to mention there are more and more adult in western are playing game with their children.

My own opinion, I think gaming have its perk anyhow, This is because gaming have been seen to consist of learning value within them. For example, Rise of Empire. This is a strategic game with a few historical event consist within. You can actually learn the chronological order of how the ancient Rome or Alexander the Great conquer the land. 

Other than that, playing game also help increased oneself reflex and the cooperation between the both side of the brain. In online FPS, you are require to act faster than your opponent before the outgun you, which you will slowly learn to think faster and increased your accuracy. 

If i have to apply it in my real life, I would say that Photographer and Designer have the most out of it. For designer such as myself, there are time where we have to draw fast sketch of a building or person we saw before we run out of time and this require a fast cooperation between the hand and the eye. 

As for photographer, they have to be fast enough to capture a certain live object or be fast enough to grab the camera and take a exact moment photo. All of this actually require a very good reflexes and which one can learn while playing game.

Of course, this wasn't only benefit toward Designer and Photographer, Some job such as Lawyer are require to think fast react fast before the other lawyer shut you down in the court. This kind of skill was also be able to learn or train during a game.

Gaming may also show who i am and what my personality is. I am a person who love to play FPS and RPG and including Strategic/Puzzle. This show I am a person who love to get into challenge and sometimes love to scoop into puzzle and stuff.

^.^ To be continue.......



300 ROTE ( Strategic)

Sunday 16 June 2013


Meaning of Friend~

Friend, word that we hear from a child, but not many people can truly explained its meaning. Neither can I. This is because each and everyone view Friend differently.

First of all, what are the basic understanding of the word "friend". A person that help's you? Someone who be useful in the time of need? Person that stay by your side no matter what? Or a person that only show up when he/she needs of help.

Most people will think that friend mean a person that will help you, stay by your side, trust you with all their heart and give you all the support you need. But then again, You sure there is someone that existed like that in the world, even if it does, how can you be so sure that the person is exactly you wishes for?

I remember coming across a quote in the internet few years back and it strike me. There will never be a total stranger be nice to you if you are useless to them. It maybe a bit dark but its somehow partially true. 

Will you treat anyone good if u gained nothing at all? For example, You helped an old man to cross road, you say you dun need anything in return. Be accurate, you thought you din't, you actually did get something in return, a warm and happy feeling for helping them. 

So, i always told my self, Be nice and good to everyone, every stranger you meet. Why, that is because you will never known when will that person be important in your life. No one known what the future will be like, and no one will be useless in their life. There is always one person you might come in handy to them and in return they might just become important t you.

I always told my self that it is better to have a friend than to have an enemy.

Moreover, I love the feeling of crowded, You known, like being in the middle of a party with friends, or shopping in group, it make my life more alive and it created memories.

All of these actually show one thing about me, I am quite useless alone. I always require the help of others when doing something that is because i am a ordinary human, There is no way i can do everything without the help of others.

This also show that I hate the feeling of being alone, and certainly does not wish to have that feeling all the time. And thus i make friend whenever I possible.

P.s: Some people may find this kind of thing offensive and hereby i apologies for it. 

Friday 7 June 2013


 My Dreams~

Everyone have a dreams. What is dream? Dreams is a target, an idea, an imagination. Different people have different perspective on dream. 

When u were a kid, dream is something you imagine, u imagine this u imagine that, all of them are know as dream. 

When u enter teenager, it was an idea, whenever you have an idea, it is all about something you wish to make, create or even do. However, you know you dun have the power and sometimes even knowledge to do.

Once you enter adulthood, your idea became a target to achieved, you have knowledge on how to achieved and the power to achieved it. Moreover, it is the chances for you to make your dreams come true.

But, there are also people who view dreams as the impossible, this is because they did not have the will or motivation to do it and some loses their dream in their teenager stage and some was never given a chance ever since they born. 

To me, dreams is a idea and a motivation, Me myself have plenty of dreams, and I know if I don't work hard. I loses my dreams. One of them are the dream to go on a trip around the world. 

Why a trip out of everything? Because going on a trip make me relaxing especially when I am going alone and without anything to think of; Works, Financials, Economical problem and etc. However, this require a large sum of money and time of planning.

Moreover, Trip help me relax and give me the inspiration for my job - as a designer. inspiration make me more easy to have ideas on how to complete my work. Also, getting around the world also let u experience things that a normal person cannot experience normally.

Whats the relation between a designer and trip around the world. Basically, designer required creativity in their line of career, and creativity comes from inspiration. 

Here are some destination I dream to go once I have the power to go...=D

First stop - TOKYO


2nd Stop - NEW YORK

3rd Stop - LONDON

4th Stop - SEOUL

Monday 3 June 2013

A thought of Life in Burger King

Having Dinner at Burger King alone....

Trying to have my dinner and something bother me, I have been sitting here for half hour and Found out that i am the only one eating alone here....SAD~

I think i am worst than a burger. Even the burger have  fries and coke to be friend with.... T.T

Maybe it is because i am not that deep and have plenty of talent or advantage compare to the burger. Look at it, if each layer are 1 strong point, i might have just been the bread.

Lets look at the coke...if the depth of the coke are the obstacle, where would i be?

The top or the bottom? Or even, i will never even inside....just the ice drop on the outer layer of the coke. 

Life is like this, Full with plenty of obstacle, The only way to outrun them is being inside of it instead of outside. When u dun have a passion, you will never succeed, and in the end, you might as well be like the fries....Going round and round and waiting for some one to eat you up.

A bunch of deep though make me sit there for 30 minute. This 30 minute give me a real though on how and what should i improved.....

FYI, i am not alone actually, just happened to get a free ticket and decide to go watch a movie before it expire.....and so i was soloing in Burger King.......^@^

Sunday 2 June 2013

I am really boring~ >.>

Cam-Whore Time!!!
Lolx!! First time camwhore in pc block.

                                                  Chui Yee!!!What are you doing~~  ^.^

Picture effect make you look so badass....@.@


Cam-whoring is something most teenager do when there are free. A lot of people Found it really fun and it was really famous among girls~ Anywhere around the world can be a location for cam-whoring; toilet, fun-fair, school and even graveyard.... Can you believe that!!

So, what so good about it, it is all about perspective, some think that doing this is waste of time, useless but some just wish to remember some moment and some is wishing to fill up the free time.

Cam-whoring help a person to remember a moment of happiness, craziness and even sadness but it always ended up as a wonderful moment in the future, also it help us to remember friends, place, or emotion during that time.

We never know what is going to happened to anyone and anything and that might cause us to miss something in the future. In the end, we might as well regretted when we lose something and ended up losing the chances to do something to remember it about.

The reason i doing a cam-whoring that time was because i wish to enjoy the time with my friend and rather than spending time alone, it was also a 4 hour break time so i just join them to spend my time. The moment was enjoying and it was a good time spending.

These photo somehow remind me of all the craziness and silliness action we do at that time and the feeling or emotion during that point of time. It was a great memory for me. 
Just love these guys... =)

A person shake me even though he is just beside me....Nice trying Bro

                                          Kevin, don't shake in WeChat anymore...=P

WeChat- An apps that launched in year 2011 and it soon became a famous apps to use. It is an apps that use to help connect people through internet with a function to record a voice and play it back to the receiver. 

The apps was using internet connection instead of the money so that you dun have to renew money just to talk to a person. It also consist  of function as a massager. What really attract a person was the function of shaking and search for nearby people. 

The shaking function was use to search person that are exactly shaking the phone at the same time with you. The function is somewhat similar to a russian roulette, it can be a friend or even a total stranger regardless the distance.

The search is as the name suggest, it search people who is living nearby to you with the Wechat being on. 

A reason for me to use this app is because it doesn't cost money and it was easy to use. Most of my friend were using these to communicate and even sometimes prank people. It is also a very good time occupier.  >@<

FYI, the girl beside me is not my GF.....Too Bad  T_T