Sunday 16 June 2013


Meaning of Friend~

Friend, word that we hear from a child, but not many people can truly explained its meaning. Neither can I. This is because each and everyone view Friend differently.

First of all, what are the basic understanding of the word "friend". A person that help's you? Someone who be useful in the time of need? Person that stay by your side no matter what? Or a person that only show up when he/she needs of help.

Most people will think that friend mean a person that will help you, stay by your side, trust you with all their heart and give you all the support you need. But then again, You sure there is someone that existed like that in the world, even if it does, how can you be so sure that the person is exactly you wishes for?

I remember coming across a quote in the internet few years back and it strike me. There will never be a total stranger be nice to you if you are useless to them. It maybe a bit dark but its somehow partially true. 

Will you treat anyone good if u gained nothing at all? For example, You helped an old man to cross road, you say you dun need anything in return. Be accurate, you thought you din't, you actually did get something in return, a warm and happy feeling for helping them. 

So, i always told my self, Be nice and good to everyone, every stranger you meet. Why, that is because you will never known when will that person be important in your life. No one known what the future will be like, and no one will be useless in their life. There is always one person you might come in handy to them and in return they might just become important t you.

I always told my self that it is better to have a friend than to have an enemy.

Moreover, I love the feeling of crowded, You known, like being in the middle of a party with friends, or shopping in group, it make my life more alive and it created memories.

All of these actually show one thing about me, I am quite useless alone. I always require the help of others when doing something that is because i am a ordinary human, There is no way i can do everything without the help of others.

This also show that I hate the feeling of being alone, and certainly does not wish to have that feeling all the time. And thus i make friend whenever I possible.

P.s: Some people may find this kind of thing offensive and hereby i apologies for it. 

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