Sunday 2 June 2013

I am really boring~ >.>

Cam-Whore Time!!!
Lolx!! First time camwhore in pc block.

                                                  Chui Yee!!!What are you doing~~  ^.^

Picture effect make you look so badass....@.@


Cam-whoring is something most teenager do when there are free. A lot of people Found it really fun and it was really famous among girls~ Anywhere around the world can be a location for cam-whoring; toilet, fun-fair, school and even graveyard.... Can you believe that!!

So, what so good about it, it is all about perspective, some think that doing this is waste of time, useless but some just wish to remember some moment and some is wishing to fill up the free time.

Cam-whoring help a person to remember a moment of happiness, craziness and even sadness but it always ended up as a wonderful moment in the future, also it help us to remember friends, place, or emotion during that time.

We never know what is going to happened to anyone and anything and that might cause us to miss something in the future. In the end, we might as well regretted when we lose something and ended up losing the chances to do something to remember it about.

The reason i doing a cam-whoring that time was because i wish to enjoy the time with my friend and rather than spending time alone, it was also a 4 hour break time so i just join them to spend my time. The moment was enjoying and it was a good time spending.

These photo somehow remind me of all the craziness and silliness action we do at that time and the feeling or emotion during that point of time. It was a great memory for me. 
Just love these guys... =)

A person shake me even though he is just beside me....Nice trying Bro

                                          Kevin, don't shake in WeChat anymore...=P

WeChat- An apps that launched in year 2011 and it soon became a famous apps to use. It is an apps that use to help connect people through internet with a function to record a voice and play it back to the receiver. 

The apps was using internet connection instead of the money so that you dun have to renew money just to talk to a person. It also consist  of function as a massager. What really attract a person was the function of shaking and search for nearby people. 

The shaking function was use to search person that are exactly shaking the phone at the same time with you. The function is somewhat similar to a russian roulette, it can be a friend or even a total stranger regardless the distance.

The search is as the name suggest, it search people who is living nearby to you with the Wechat being on. 

A reason for me to use this app is because it doesn't cost money and it was easy to use. Most of my friend were using these to communicate and even sometimes prank people. It is also a very good time occupier.  >@<

FYI, the girl beside me is not my GF.....Too Bad  T_T

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